Having children changes a relationship, as parents have less time to focus on themselves and each other. Due to these changes, it is important for a couple to plan special activities to do together, so that they are able to have time alone on a regular basis.

Spending quality time together and engaging in common activities will serve to strengthen a relationship. The benefits of a strong relationship are observed through an increased sense of respect, trust, understanding, and friendship.

When there is a strong bond between partners, a sense of teamwork is formed when dealing with parental responsibilities. In addition, when problem solving is required, the couple with a healthy relationship will be better prepared to handle these situations.

It is very important for children to see that their parents share a healthy relationship. Children look to their parents as role models, and the relationship between their parents is one of the main ways that they will form their expectations of future relationships. Healthy communication and respect between parents also have a positive impact on a child’s development.

A child’s formulation of identity is affected by observations of others and the relationships surrounding them.  Through the role modeling of healthy communication and positive coping mechanisms, the child is better equipped to create his or her own healthy relationships with self and others in the future.

Parents need to be aware of the need to take time for themselves, in order to maintain their relationship and the bond between them.

Some things that parents could do to achieve this might be a weekly date night, time spent talking about the events of the day, sharing appreciation of the other person, expressing and accepting attempts for emotional connection, and being aware of stressors in your partner’s life and showing an openness to discussing them.

For additional reading, Dr. John Gottman’s book “The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work” is a good resource for couples.