Our Personal Experience with Pet Loss and Grieving

Our Personal Experience with Pet Loss and Grieving

In February of this year we had to make the very difficult decision to put our 16 year old girl Tessa down. We adopted Tessa at the age of 7, and had her for 9 years. Tessa was the sweetest dog, she was very submissive and gentle. When we got her, she had just had puppies and we had to wait until she had weaned them to take her home. She was always extremely patient and kind to our other dogs.

Social Anxiety

Many people suffer from social anxiety, which can be very distressing. This form of anxiety occurs when having to interact with other people. Feels of self-consciousness, worries about being judged, or having a negative experience are what cause social anxiety. A...

Complicated Grief

Grief is the common reaction to the loss of a loved one. Normal grief produces feelings of sorrow, guilt, anger, and other emotions. After a period of time, these feelings become less intense, and acceptance of the loss occurs. When the loss creates debilitating...


Burnout occurs over time, and as opposed to compassion fatigue, it is not trauma focused. It is exhaustion that is felt emotionally, mentally, and physically, when a person experiences low job satisfaction, powerlessness, and high stress levels at work. Burnout is the...

Compassion Fatigue

Compassion fatigue is also known as vicarious traumatization, or secondary traumatization. It is the result of caring too much. Compassion fatigue is experienced by those in helping/caring roles. It is the result of repeatedly being exposed to the suffering and...