Attachment Styles

The way that an infant attaches to caregivers depends on the way that the caregivers interact with the child early on in life. The different attachment styles describe ways in which a child forms attachments, which then lead to certain types of behaviors based on...

Pornography Addiction

When people use pornography long term, addiction can develop. Intimacy is affected, and healthy, loving relationships are not possible. The result is a decline in the interest in real, human partners. The use of internet pornography affects the brain, and actually...

Holidays without your Pet

If you have lost a pet recently or even some time ago, the holidays can be a difficult time. There are several reasons for this, including the following: there may be a renewed sense of grief often there are expectations from others to celebrate when you don’t feel...

Support Groups for Pet Loss

A free support group has been created in partnership with Vets To Go, an amazing company that provides mobile vet services to people in Alberta. This group has been recently started in order to provide information and support to those who have experienced, or will be...

Grieving the Loss of a Pet

The loss of a pet can be a very sad and heartbreaking time. There are many emotional and behavioral responses that can result from this loss, and these are all normal reactions. Some of these symptoms include: Denial Sadness Shock Anger Guilt Depression Obsessive...